Here along the shores of Georgian Bay, we are fantastically lucky to have the Owen Sound Artist’s Co-op. The Co-op is an amazing space that features local artists and artisans and they do a very fun show every March featuring Miniatures.
The rule is that the submission has to be no more than 6 inches (15 cm approx.) in any of its dimensions. I decided to stick to the standard three – my art does not need to challenge the laws of Physics!
I had been playing around with button books lately because well, CHIYOGAMI. Japanese paper – silk screened – tough – amazing – gorgeous. All the hearts for the Japanese paper makers and designers. ALL OF THE HEARTS!

If you want some – will never disappoint!
Then I found a couple of styles of buttons- I wanted something natural looking, so I got some coconut shell buttons and some burnt-looking wooden buttons and went to town!

Lots of fun.
I love the tigers and the super-sweet pink one the best.
Gemini much? Why decide – hold love them both!

And I then sold two of them! Wowza!
So more tigers and SNOW PEOPLE. Because Canada. And Because March.

If you haven’t made one, clearly you need to try. It is actually a great story telling structure, but I just adore paper, so for me it seems it's more a story of my paper stash.